Wednesday, May 30, 2012


Most of you know that I have broken my camera...It is my fault, I exposed it to the weather, I did not take proper care. I borrowed one, until I can get mine repaired, bearing that in mind, I have tried to be much better in my care of this camera. Even when I am being diligent I have issues. I was near the end of my walk, I was on a small sandy river bar, large holes had been dug for one reason or another, I observed this, I was very careful where I stepped. I got a phone call from Randy. Phone to my ear gabbing away, camera up and shooting, walking slowly, observantly along. I stepped straight down into one of those holes, it was just above the knee on me, I bent the leg backwards, which hurt like hell, the camera flew in one direction, landing half buried in the sand. Phone the other way also buried in the sand. Now I have two of my lifelines covered in wet sand and a wounded leg....It was raining of course so I was trying to hurry and grab them both and my foot got stuck. I was laughing and crying, the 3 guys that were loading their boat just stood there and looked at me with their mouths open...Ah well, the camera and phone are okay and I was too after a couple days...Here are the photos I got before the fall.

Monday, May 28, 2012


Tyas and Tris


Kearstyn and friends

Personal favorite...

Henry and Zane


Rebecca Lew and Kearstyn

Noah and Henry

Tris and Zane
Henry Lewis

Rebecca Keasrtyn

Anastasia Lew Tris
I fear making my blog into a family album at times, the fact is family are the only models I have that work for free. I hope you enjoy the photos and different software techniques I experimented with. I like some others not so much! Next blog will be nature.