Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Duck, Geese and Pigeons

The kids and I had an hour wait between appointments today, we went to Alton Baker Park to look at the birds and flowers. Not to feed them, I am trying to teach respect for nature, I explained to them the damage people food can do. We were pleased with the results of not having food, the birds were sketchy, but didn't run or attack. We were given an opportunity to observe from a close proximity, I know they are fairly tame but Tris has been chased and it gave us a chance to help him overcome a huge fear. It was a good solid hour of learning, exploring, laughing and running.

This is my favorite of the day.

And this would be my favorite of the week.

Back to waiting.

1 comment:

  1. Absolutely love it. So glad you get those spots of time just you and them. Doing great and I'm so proud of your growth and maturity. I'm comin'!! Right (almost ) behind you! Love those kids and love you.


Enjoy the photos and leave some love!